
I S I S is a school of Kabbalah, Tarot, Astrology and Aromatherapy


The following 11 courses on Kabbalah, Tarot, Astrology and Aromatherapy run at I S I S. All courses are conducted in Japanese and in one weekend a month for 3 months.


The Introductory "LE JUGEMENT I" Course: 
What is Kabbalah?
The Intermediate "LE JUGEMENT II" Course:
on Tree of Life


The Introductory "LE BATELEUR" Course:
 For novices of Tarot, How to read Major Arcana
The Intermediate "LA PAPESSE" Course:
Basic training for professional readers.
The Intermediate "L'HERMITE" Course:
Practical Pathworking of Major Arcana
The Intermediate "LA LUNE" Course:
On Numbers, Four Elements, How to read Minor Arcana


    Introductory "LE TOIILE I" Course:
What is Kabbalistic Astrology? on Ego and Self in Natal Chart
Intermediate "LE TOIILE II" Course:
on Progression and Transit
Intermediate "LA ROUE DE FORTUNE" Course:
on Birth Chart and Prenatal Self or Reincarnation

    Introductory "TEMPERANCE I" Course:
How to use Essential oils
Intermediate "TEMPERANCE II" Course:
on Oils and Etheric body


Patriatower 802, 3-11-17, Ginza, Tokyo, 104-0061 JAPAN

TEL +81-3-3524-8829
FAX +81-3-3524-8879