French Method of Tarot Reading
These days, many Tarot card readers commonly use the layout methods and
spreads associated with the Rider-Waite Tarot deck. The Celtic Cross layout
is one of the more familiar card spread patterns. For divination, the cards
are shuffled, dealt and placed in a specific pattern or layout. Interpretations
are determined by the symbols in the card image, and where the card occurs
within the spread.
By contrast, in the French method of Tarot Reading, the cards are read and interpreted by their relationships with the other cards in the spread. A representative example of the French method is the Camoin method.
Near the end of the 20th century, Philip Camoin, a French Tarot scholar,
developed a method of placing and interpreting Tarot cards that became
known as the Camoin Method. Tadahiro Onuma learned the Camoin Method directly
from Philip Camoin. Mr. Onuma taught the Camoin Method to Japanese Tarot
card readers from 2000 to 2008. At present, the Camoin Method is the standard
method used in Japan to read the cards in the Tarot de Marseille deck.Though
this method is excellent and epoch-making, but it is not impeccable. ISIS
method is an improved version.
Philip Camoin's achievements in this area cannot be overemphasized. His
method has given many practitioners a key to reading the Tarot de Marseille
cards, even if the reader lacks an in-depth knowledge of the Tarot.
Major Arcana Cards and the Directions of the Images Face
In the twenty-two cards of the Major Arcana, the card images look to the
right, left and forward. Five of the cards look to the right. Eight of
the cards look to the left and nine of the cards face forward in a neutral

Five cards looking at right
Eight cards looking at left

Nine cards with neutral
A object of the looking at represents a object of look at, look after,
gaze at, glance at,
interest in, conscious of, keen on, afraid of, etc. A card looking at right
has a particular relationship with the right card.
Observe carefully which way the figure in the card glances. If the character
in the card is looking to the right, that card has a connection with the
card on the right, and so on.
For example,

Do both of them have a good relationship?
Yes, they love each other. No problem

He does not want to hear another word from her. Nor does she wish to hear
from him.

He: I apologize.
She: Sorry doesn't fix anything.

She: What's the matter with you?
He: Leave me alone!

He: Trouble? Can I help you?
She: No. Mind your own business.

She: I must talk to you.
He: Not now.

He: We are now in the pits.
She: That's what makes it so challenging.

He: We have to quit.
She: I think so.
As above, even two cards could represent eight relationships. We can read
any relationship through eight combinations of both.
An inverse card shows any problem, trouble or obstacle.

What is common in these three cards? All of them include a person falling
down from above. The Tarot de Marseille presumes that there are a lot of
problems. troubles, or obstacles in our life. And the Tarot provides a
solution of the problem
If you draw an inverse card, it suggests you have got any problem, trouble
or obstacle.
Then you have to draw another card upright as solution card and place it
under the reverse card.
If you are seeking a job, the inverse LE BATELEUR indicates you do not
have the skill required for the job. It is your problem and obstacle to
get the job. You should draw another card under the problem card. If you
draw an inverse card again, you must place it up right. If you draw LA
PAPESSE as solution card, it provides you with an idea of solution for
the problem. She is reading a book and studying on a theme. It is clear
for you that you have to study the skill and then challange it again.
You do not need any knowledge about the card. Just glance at the two cards
and understand the situation in the context.of inner experience.
Nine Rules of ISIS Method
① At first, you have to draw the first card on the top and center of reading
cloth as "Situation" card. This card suggests your current situation.
present condition, actual state or existing circumstances.
An example of spread.
Question:How can I get a job?
① |
The Situation Card: LA ROUE DE FORTUNE
A possible reading: Now it is hard time fot you to get a job.
② Next, you have to put the second card on the left of the Situation card
as "Background" card. It explains background, or development
process of the matter to present situation.
② |
① |
The Background Card: LE PENDU
You shut yourself in your private affairs and did not push hard to get
a job.
③ Next, you have to put the third card on the right of the Situation card.
This card is called " Vista" card, which represents what you
can look forward, outlook on, vision or prospect.
The Vista Card: 13
You will soon fall upon the very difficult situation.
These three basic cards are obligatory to draw and you have to read one by one, step by step.
④If you draw the first card inversely, you have to draw another card under
the first "Solution" card. If this card is inverse, you must
put it up right under the first card.
Do not make the third tier.
The Solution Card of the "Situation" card: LE PAPE
If you are acquainted with one of elders and betters, you may talk to him.
⑤If the solution card faces to right, you have to put another card, which is called "Face " card, to right of the solution card. If the solution card faces to left, you have to put another card or face card to left of the solution card.
Face Card of LE PAPE and Solutin Card of 13: LE JUGEMENT
Take notice that you have a family and your calling.
⑥After you worked on the first card, you may proceed on the Background card and do the same process:to put the Face card or the Solution card on the Background card.
Then work the same procss on the Vista card.
⑦If you draw the LA FORCE as the Background card, you have to draw a Solution"
card under the LA FORCE and a Face card to left of it. In this case, you
have to draw a Face card in priority to a Solution card,
② |
① |
③ |
card |
card |
④ |
⑤ |
⑧If you have to draw thirteenth cards in the same spread, you must cancel
the spread and start from the beginning.